Brainsight TMS
for MRI-based TMS Neuronavigation
Straight to:
In transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a pulsating magnetic field affects the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain.
This requires precise positioning of the magnetic coil over the region to be stimulated in the brain. In TMS studies, the coil is positioned over the head using external landmarks and measurements or by trial and error until the desired response (finger twitch for example) is generated.
The Brainsight 2 neuronavigation system by neurocare partner Rogue Research Inc. offers an alternate function: the technology visualizes the client's brain based on MRI data sets in order to move the coil to the desired brain structure and correctly position it.
In current joint development efforts neuroConn GmbH and Rogue Research aim to:
- optimize data exchange between LOOP-IT and Brainsight® TMS systems, facilitating real-time closed-loop applications in neuroscience research
allow stimulation targeting via electric field modelling for TMS and current flow modelling for tES
In traditional TMS studies the coil is positioned over the head using external landmarks and measurements or by trial and error until the desired response (finger twitch for example) is generated. However, in recent years and with the improvement of stereotactic techniques, navigated TMS or Neuronavigation is now possible allowing the TMS coil to be navigated and positioned over a specified target location based upon an individual's MRI image or MRI generated 3D curvilinear reconstruction of the brain. Targets for stimulation can then be identified in numerous ways:
- manually by selecting and highlighting the desired structure / locations within the brain, or
- by combining anatomical MRI images with areas of activity highlighted with fMRI, EEG or NIRS.

Specification of the Brainsight® TMS Navigation
Integration with LOOP-IT
Integration with NEURO PRAX® TMS/tES
Axilum TMS-Robot
France-based Axilum Robotics have developed an innovative system that allows for accurate and safe placement, tracking and recording of a TMS stimulating coil during a TMS experiment or treatment session, together with the Brainsight TMS Navigation system.