Insomnia & Sleep Disorders

Learn about your options for targeted therapy to address the underlying cause of sleeplessness and sleep disorders.

Tired woman with insomnia still awake at night and rubbing her eyes

What is Insomnia and who is affected?


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard for sufferers to fall asleep and stay asleep. Others wake up too early and find themselves unable to get back to sleep or feel tired when they wake up.

A persistent lack of sleep diminishes work performance and overall quality of life by draining your energy levels and negatively affecting your mood.

Short-term, acute insomnia is a normal reaction to a traumatic event or a stressful situation. But when sleeplessness becomes a long-term problem, it may be time to seek professional help.

Causes of Insomnia and Sleep Problems

Sleep disorders can be caused by one or a combination of:
Psychological causes
Psychological causes of insomnia include distressing situations such as trauma or a difficult personal or work relationship. Most of them are temporary. However, over a prolonged period, they can cause depression, anxiety, or ADHD.
Medical causes
Insomnia can be caused by medical problems such as heartburn, diabetes, or restless leg syndrome. If you suffer from any of these, consult your doctor to find out whether your treatment can be adjusted. Insomnia treatment often involves an interdependent approach.
Environmental causes
    Never underestimate the environmental causes of insomnia. Light, noise, an unhealthy diet, or shiftwork can all stop you from getting a good night’s sleep.
Lifestyle causes
    It is worth considering your intake of alcohol, caffeine, or any medications. These substances have a detrimental effect on the body’s natural circadian rhythms.

Insomnia treatment methods

Sleep Hygiene Coaching

As a first step Coaching can educate you around simple actions and routines you can implement to streamline your sleep habits. Simple choices like changing light bulbs or avoiding blue light in the evenings can be very effective. 

Lifestyle choices such as exercise and the quality of your diet also play a big role. Engaging with a Health Coach can support you to make positive enduring changes in your lifestyle and habits as well as teach you strategies to manage stress and environmental challenges. All these will positively impact your ability to fall and stay asleep.

More about Health Coaching

Neurofeedback for Insomnia

Neurofeedback is a proven and effective way to improve sleep in both adults and children.  When delivered with the appropriate protocols, it’s a safe and sustainable insomnia treatment with no side effects.

Neurofeedback assists by encouraging the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity. Through visual and auditory feedback, you learn to voluntarily regulate positive brain states and reduce counterproductive processes such as distraction, anxiety or drowsiness, that can negatively impact on your sleep.

Studies show that Neurofeedback, when delivered correctly and following scientifically-proven protocols, can be effective in 75% of cases.

More about Neurofeedback

How Neurofeedback can help Insomnia


The human brain is adaptable. Every day, we naturally learn new information and create new neural pathways. Neurofeedback takes advantage of this ability and gives positive reinforcement when the brain activity follows a better pattern. With the help of neurofeedback, we can teach our brains to self-regulate, "switch off" overactive thinking and improve sleep.


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