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by neuroConn Technologies

all-in-one solution that sets new standards in neuroscience lab equipment

Closed-Loop application
Closed-Loop - Live
LOOP-IT - variable and customizable


Galvanically ilsolated modules with different functionality:
  • EEG / ECG / EMG biosignal acquisition (up to 1 ksps)
  • tDCS / tACS / tRNS current sources (low 1/f noise,­ < 5 mApp,
    < 5 kHz bandwidth)
  • neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (< 200 kHz, full scale rise time: 1 µs; high-power (+/- 40 mA) and high speed application up to 1 ms duration in constant current applications (+/- 15 mA)
  • multichannel digital I/O interface (e. g. TMS, event-related potentials)
  • additional sensor interfaces for non-electrical biosignals (e. g. movement, breathing, blood flow, temperature)
    Real-time system for physiological oscillation phase-dependent stimulation:
    We provide a system enabling state-dependent and closed-loop controlled experiments in a stable time regimen with 1 - 3 ms turn-around time:

    • data acquisition of ExG (EEG, ECG, EMG), 3-axis acceleration 24 bit / 1 kHz
    • data analysis of amplitude, frequency, latency, phase  
    • modulation and control of the actuators tES / NMES / TMS
    Direct access to hardware parameters via supplied library (Python)
    Medical-grade hardware design
    Standard interface and compact design


Conventional applications on TMS
  • Collecting EMG for MEP investigations during TMS for read out on M1
  • Collecting ECG for HR investigations during TMS for read out on DLPFC
  • Collecting EEG for TEPP investigations during TMS for read out on the whole brain

EEG & NIBS (8x EEG, 1x DIO)
  • towards personalised therapeutic brain-state dependent therapies in rehabilitation and psychiatry 

NIBS (2x tES)
  • Temporal interference stimulation for enabling targeted structures deep inside the brain by steering the electric fields of maximum amplitude modulation

NIBS & NMES (1x tES, 1x NMES)
  • Phase-dependent modulation of human corticospinal plasticity by associative pairing of transcranial and neuromuscular stimulation (tES & NMES)

product information for download

Product data sheet LOOP-IT

Portfolio for research incl. LOOP-IT

Temporal Interference Stimulation

LOOP-IT: sets new standards in neuroscie...


Real-time system for physiological oscillation phase-dependent stimulation


Current sources modules for non-invasive modulation of electro­physiology


We offer a wide range of accessories for EEG acquisition and tES application, including electrodes of various dimensions and shapes, cables, caps and conduction pastes. Products can be ordered individually or in a set. We will also be happy to advise you which electrodes are best suited for your project.

For EEG acquisition
For tES application


Our highly experienced engineers are available to discuss your research or lab requirements for closed-loop, neurostimulation and multimodal neuromodulation solutions.

Enquire today

We are here to help you find the right technology and training for your practice or research