fMRI compatible full-band DC-EEG system
The NEURO PRAX® MR is a full-band DC-EEG system, which is primarily intended for use in neuroscientific applications. The system measures physiological signals such as EEG, EMG and EP in the frequency range of 0 to 1,200 Hz simultaneously and synchronously for all channels. The unique amplifier technology captures EEG activities from infraslow (0 – 0.3 Hz) to ultrafast (80 – 1,200 Hz) frequencies.
The high amplifier dynamics and the integrated real-time correction of gradient artifacts and pulse artifacts make the NEURO PRAX® MR system particularly suitable for measurement during magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
We can supply our high-performance full-band DC amplifiers with 8, 32 or 64 channels. The neuroConn software, specially tailored to the hardware, is intuitive, flexible and easy to use. There are a large number of software and hardware modules available, such as online correction of artifacts caused by muscle and eye movements, topographical analyses, spectral and amplitude mapping as well as online averaging.

Areas of application for NEURO PRAX® MR
Watch this video to learn how NEURO PRAX® MR corrects imaging artifacts during MRI-EEG.
Watch this video to learn how NEURO PRAX® MR corrects pulse artifacts during MRI-EEG.
NEURO PRAX® MR options and system extensions
The NEURO PRAX® MR incorporates all the elements of a conventional EEG-/EP device and can be extended to become a complete system:
- for biofeedback and for neurofeedback of the slow cortical potentials (SCPs) and frequencies with online correction of artifacts
- for measurements during simultaneous transcranial electrial stimulation with direct current (tDCS), alternating current (tACS) and random noise current (tRNS) - read more in the section NEURO PRAX® TMS/tES
- for measurements during simultaneous transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) NEURO PRAX® TMS/tES
- for measurements of cognitive evoked potentials (not inside MRI scanner) for long-term monitoring.
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